1 September 2023, 15:00
Volunteer Center of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Launches Volunteer Training for WYF 2024
1 September 2023, 14:00
Students from All Over Russia Invited to Take Part in the World Youth Festival
28 August 2023, 16:30
The first WYF 2024 Volunteer Recruitment and Training Center is opening in Kazan
28 August 2023, 11:00
The flag of the World Youth Festival reached the North Pole
23 August 2023, 13:20
Putin invited BRICS countries to the World Youth Festival and the Games of the Future
21 August 2023, 10:00
WYF 2024 mascot, symbolism and song: the Tavrida.ART Festival hosted a presentation of the World Youth Festival as part of the Tavrida Resident Show