The first WYF 2024 Volunteer Recruitment and Training Center is opening in Kazan

28 August 2023, 16:30

Today, on August 28, the first Volunteer Recruitment and Training Center of the World Youth Festival, established on the basis of the Volunteering and Information Resource Center Republic of Tatarstan, begins its work in Kazan. The Minister of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan Rinat Sadykov took part in the opening ceremony.

The Volunteer Recruitment and Training Center in Kazan became one of the four organizations that will train and coordinate volunteers of the Volga Federal District. A total of 180 volunteers will be selected: 120 from the Republic of Tatarstan and 60 from Udmurtia.

«It is a great honor for us that the Republic of Tatarstan has become the first region to start preparations for the implementation of the volunteer program within the framework of the World Youth Festival. We have fruitful work ahead of us to recruit volunteers, and I think that everything will be at the highest level. Twelve years of experience and established traditions in the implementation of volunteer programs in the Republic of Tatarstan will help us at the World Youth Festival. I think that this experience and professionalism of the team of the Volunteering and Information Resource Center will become a key link in the work of the Volunteer Center,» said Ayrat Mubarakshin, Executive Director of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization «Volunteering and Information Resource Center Republic of Tatarstan».

In addition, a tripartite cooperation agreement was signed between the Directorate of the World Youth Festival, the Association of Volunteer Centers (AVC), and the Volunteering and Information Resource Center Republic of Tatarstan - one of the 27 centers of volunteer recruitment and training, selected according to the results of the All-Russian competition in each federal district. The agreement stipulates the functional obligations of the center for volunteer recruitment and training, as well as the formats of interaction with the Directorate of the World Youth Festival.

«The first Volunteer Recruitment and Training Centers start active practical work, formation of the volunteer corps, start accumulating experience that will be important for the community of all the Centers and the organization of the Festival as a whole. The Republic of Tatarstan is one of the centers of Russian volunteering and expertise in the field of volunteerism and social development. It is not the first year of our cooperation, the Republic of Tatarstan is one of the platforms of AVC for the development of federal projects. We trust in the professionalism of our colleagues, we know and appreciate their enthusiasm. We are glad that now we have new opportunities for cooperation, which will contribute to the grandiose World Youth Festival,» said Artem Metelev, Chairman of the Committee on Youth Policy of the State Duma, Chairman of the Council of the Association of Volunteer Centers, and Head of DOBRO.RU.

For several years, the Republic of Tatarstan has been a leader in the rating of the Association of Volunteer Centers of Russia in terms of comprehensive development of volunteerism. There are 800 volunteer associations and about 140 thousand volunteers in the Republic.

Prepared by the World Youth Festival Press Office

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