6 March 2024, 12:05
Two Years That Changed the World: Stas Ai Kak Prosto and Participants of the Znanie.Pervye Marathon Discussed Global Historical Changes
6 March 2024, 11:52
The international community of young entrepreneurs will be the legacy of WYF-2024
6 March 2024, 11:41
“I want to speak Russian”: at the World Youth Festival “Artek” opened a language club for foreign participants
6 March 2024, 11:29
Space without borders: Roscosmos Director General Yuri Borisov spoke about international programs at the Znanie.Pervye marathon
6 March 2024, 00:35
Participants of the Znanie.Pervye Marathon Discussed International Contacts in Science and Education With Experts From Thailand, Brazil, Turkey and Russia
5 March 2024, 22:53
OUR COSMOS Performative and Educational Show about the Joint Space Exploration Based on Russian Achievements