
Download Festival Program.

5 March 2024, 15:00
Nizhny Novgorod Pavilion. Russian Cities and Their Sister Cities Pavilions
Educational event
Marathon Znanie.Pervye
In the Motherland, in Russia: Life and Resilience of New Regions
5 March 2024, 15:00
Сцена гастропространства «Россия на вкус»
Event format
Only in Russia Show — Movement of the First (6+)
5 March 2024, 15:00
Gardens by the runway. WYF International Airport
Sport program
International Flights. WYF International Airport (0+)
5 March 2024, 15:00
Security check area. WYF International Airport
Meaningful Program
Practices in product development and positioning for foreign students and employees Discussion Session (16+)
5 March 2024, 15:00
Vyzov Youth Center. Amphitheater
Полуфинал игры в шахматы среди гостей Фестиваля (0+)
5 March 2024, 15:15
Kurchatov Conference Hall. WYF International Airport
Meaningful Program
Ecologist - the main profession of the future (0+)