Meaningful Program
Ecologist - the main profession of the future (0+)
Kalmykov  Stepan
Kalmykov Stepan

Vice President, Russian Academy of Sciences

Terentyeva  Tatyana
Terentyeva Tatyana

Deputy General HR Director, Rosatom

Ignacio  Martin Villarroya
Ignacio Martin Villarroya

Organizer of the Youth Climate Movement, Argentina

Butsaev Denis
Butsaev Denis

Director General of the Russian Ecological Operator

Suslova Alexandra
Suslova Alexandra

College student, Sirius


Description of the event

Recent all-Russian surveys show that people are becoming more and more conscious of the environmental responsibility of business and their personal environmental responsibility. This means that there is a great transformation of production processes in different sectors of the economy in the future, which should certainly lead to changes in the labor market and the formation of a pool of experts with an ecological profile? Who are they? How and what to teach them? Is the education system - both Russian and international - ready for this?

Key issues:

Presentation of the All-Russian survey on ecoprofessions
main approaches and tools for the development of continuous eco-education 
Development of environmental education through international cooperation
corporate eco-education practices
transformation of the higher education system in response to the environmental challenges of today