WYF 2024 Presented on the Youth Policy Day at the National Achievement Forum

10 February 2024, 19:25

On February 10, the Youth Policy Day was held at the Russia International Exhibition and Forum as part of the National Achievement Forum, where the main achievements and projects of the country in this area over the past decades were presented.

On the main street stage of VDNH, the residents of the Tavrida Art Cluster presented a show dedicated to the World Youth Festival to the guests of the exhibition. Using images and symbols of Russian folk tales, the residents of the Tavrida Art Cluster presented the meanings of the WYF 2024, including responsibility for the fate of the world, the importance of multinational unity, justice, mutual help, and teamwork, a world of opportunity for everyone, and preservation of family and traditional values. The show ended with a performance by the NANSI & SIDOROV duo, who sang the Festival theme song "We Are Here".

As part of the business program of the Forum, the first award ceremony for trainers and specialists selected for the World Youth Festival Volunteer Corps was held. A series of congratulatory messages was opened by two WYF 2024 Volunteer Recruitment and Training Centers from Moscow, Mosvolonter and Medical Volunteers.

Denis Ashirov, Deputy Head of Rosmolodezh and Coordinator for the WYF 2024 Organization and Preparation, and Ekaterina Dragunova, Chairperson of the Committee for Public Relations and Youth Policy of Moscow, awarded more than 40 selection specialists from Moscow, who interviewed applicants from early October to late December and selected the most active and motivated volunteers. The specialists of all the Centers had a responsible task. There were more than 50,000 applicants but only 5,000 people could join the WYF 2024 Volunteer Corps.

"You are the people who have done a great job in selecting the people who will be the first to welcome the WYF 2024 guests from 188 countries around the world. This is a very important task, as the volunteers will be responsible for creating the atmosphere of the Festival and cheering up the participants from the moment they step off the plane or train. I would like to say a special thank you to Mosvolonter and the Committee for Public Relations and Youth Policy of Moscow. They helped us put together a really big team of volunteers who will become the living force of the Festival," Denis Ashirov addressed the selection specialists.

The WYF 2024 Volunteer Corps trainers were awarded by Larisa Sulima, Deputy Director General for Regional Cooperation of the World Youth Festival Directorate. They had been training volunteer applicants for two months, from December 2023 to February 2024. Training will continue in Sirius, where volunteers will receive highly specialized knowledge according to their functional areas at the WYF 2024 venues.

"The preparation of the Festival would be impossible without the trainers of the Volunteer Corps, who took on a responsible mission. They taught the applicants teamwork skills, how to interact effectively with each other, how to deal with stress, and how to stay positive, active, and friendly at all times. The trainers not only trained volunteers in Moscow, but also went to other cities and regions," Larisa Sulima said.

At the end of the ceremony, the selection specialists and trainers received a "musical gift". It was a song by Anna Zorina, the winner of the Official WYF 2024 Volunteer Song Contest. The awarding of trainers and selection specialists will be held across Russia on February 12-16 at all Volunteer Recruitment and Training Centers.



The World Youth Festival will take place in 2024 according to the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the development of international youth cooperation. At the first meeting of the Organizing Committee chaired by Sergey Kiriyenko, First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration, it was decided to hold the Festival in the Sirius Federal Territory.

20,000 young leaders in education, science, international cooperation, culture, volunteering, charity, sports, business, media, etc., including 10,000 foreign participants, will take part in the WYF 2024. For the first time in the history of the festival movement young people aged 14-17, 500 from Russia and 500 from abroad, will have the opportunity to participate in the event.

The World Youth Festival is organized by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) and operated by the World Youth Festival Directorate.

Prepared by the WYF 2024 Press Office

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