On the Multinational Unity Day at WYF 2024, Participants from 8 Countries Conquered the Mountain Trail of the Krasnodar Territory on Snowshoes

4 March 2024, 17:30

40 hikers from Bolivia, Great Britain, Guatemala, Canada, the Netherlands, Panama, Ecuador, and Russia walked along the snow-covered trails of the Sochi National Park, learned about the history of specially protected natural areas and the development of carbon landfills, and learned about the prospects of trail construction in Russia. The participants of the World Youth Festival also stopped for a break to the sounds of the accordion, tasted "self-made tablecloth" dishes and organized a snow flash mob.

The hike is organized by the Sirius Educational Center together with the Sirius Federal Territory with the support of the Rosmolodezh "More Than a Trip" program - the organizer of 12 excursion routes at the festival - within the framework of the WYF-2024 Cultural Leadership program.

Byron Obed Castro Navas, a 28-year-old teacher of English in social risk communities from Panama shared his impressions of active recreation :"Thank you to Russia for the opportunity to World Youth Festival and go hiking, where I saw snow for the first time! Today it was a little difficult because of the cold, but step by step we reached the goal! It was definitely worth it. I hope that Panama and Nicaragua, where I come from, will also host the same exciting and large-scale events for young people. WYF-2024 proves that the doors of Russia are open to the whole world and its youth, which wants to build a friendly future".

In 2023, the Rosmolodezh "More Than a Trip" program launched the project "Development of pedestrian tourism", the goal of which is to promote mass pedestrian tourism among children and young people throughout the country. In 2023, more than 500,000 people took part in marches dedicated to commemorative dates and state holidays. people in 83 regions of Russia. 

"Hiking is an important part of domestic tourism and a great way to get to know the expanses of our Motherland, join active recreation and spend time with family and friends. For foreign participants and guests of WYF-2024, walking along the snow-covered slopes is a special emotion that allows you to get to know and feel Russia, its nature, and cultural code. Within the framework of the project "Development of pedestrian tourism" in the regions, new trails are created and existing trails are renewed for lovers to get acquainted with the natural resources of Russia, overcome difficulties and conquer new peaks. In 2024, 750,000 people will go hiking with the program, and 2,000 instructors will be trained to accompany children, young people, their relatives and like-minded adults on the prepared routes", - emphasized the advisor to the head of Rosmolodezh Oleg Makarov.

The starting point of the route was the ascent on the cable car, during which the guests were told about the Olympic heritage of "Sirius" - the World Youth City. Then the group armed themselves with hiking equipment - trekking poles, snowshoes - and crossed the mountain ski route.

James Sebastian Work, a 32-year-old IT specialist in the field of environmental projects from Great Britain joined the route.

"I have been on hikes before, today, I can say from experience, everything was great! Now I want to become an ambassador of hiking tourism in my homeland. I had no prejudices before visiting Russia. Cool place, friendly people. Russians are great guys!," he said.

 On the trail leading from the "Pyhtova Polyana" to the "Medvezhy Vorota" tract, participants aged 18 to 55 learned facts about the biological diversity of one of the main natural treasures of the area - the yew-boxwood grove, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, nurseries plants, other specially protected natural territories of our country and the policy of sustainable development in the regions.

Also among the activities of the program were riding on inflatable sleds, a flash mob with snowmen, team-building games aimed at getting the participants to know each other, tasting dishes of Russian cuisine accompanied by folk songs. 

From March 1 to March 7, Rosmolodezh accepts 20,000 guests of WYF-2024 from 188 countries who arrived in "Sirius" - the World Youth City. These are Russian and foreign young leaders in business, media, international cooperation, culture, science, etc.

On excursion routes from the "More than a trip" program, 300 "meaning guides" - the best tour guides from all over the country - introduce participants to the concept, meanings, locations and main activities of the festival, the history and achievements of the World Youth City, attractions and nature of its surroundings, culture and regional traditions. You can sign up for free excursions and find out details on the website of the festival or in the official application of the participant, downloaded from mobile application stores. 

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