The Largest Business and Career Networking Gathered more than 5,000 Participants at WYF 2024

4 March 2024, 19:47

The largest networking event took place in the World Youth City at the World Youth Festival site in the Gardens by the Runway. Over 5,000 Festival participants got to know each other and exchanged contacts in the "Bingo" format. The interactive event was organized by the operators of the entrepreneurial and career tracks WYF 2024 Rosmolodezh.Business and Rosmolodezh.Career. 

Special "Bingo" cards with questions on the achievements of the participants were prepared for festival visitors. At first, each player filled them out independently, then looked for guys who fit one of the characteristics and exchanged contacts with them. As a result of the game, it was possible to meet participants from more than 50 countries. Among the questions that aroused the interest of foreign guests of the festival: "I won a grant to open a business", "entered the international arena", "work is my hobby" and many others.  

"Sanctions against Russia cannot destroy the connection between it and the rest of the world, but they complicate cooperation for partners. For example, it is quite problematic to get to Russia, there are no direct flights, but these sanctions have made the country stronger and given the opportunity to try to develop ties with the world without relying on the Western system, which is good for Russia", shared "Bingo" participant Bureima Guiro from Turkey.

"The World Youth Festival opens up a huge number of opportunities. Here you can have an interesting time, meet new friends, get acquainted with the culture of Russia and its heritage, traditions, brands and technologies. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be here", —Sanket Janardhan Gavhale from India told about his impressions.

Visitors to the career and business zone note that the festival has created all the conditions under which people from different countries and cultures can freely communicate and learn from each other without experiencing language, cultural or technological barriers. This is an important factor for the development of international cooperation, the exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as for increasing the availability of education and information for all people, regardless of their location and capabilities.

For example, within the framework of networking, Russian developer and resident of the Club of Young Entrepreneurs Ivan Shumilov agreed on cooperation with Vladyslav Dubatovka - co-founder of the company "Intellectual processes" from the Republic of Belarus. Ivan will help find specialists for the organization of microelectronics logistics for an educational program from China. At the case battle "Digital Masters: How IT and creativity are embodied together", a participant from Tunisia, Fatima Ben Amar, a developer of an EdTech startup, also presented her project to Ivan Shumilov. Now he will be a supplier of domestic IT software products, using which Fatima will organize educational programs.

Direct communication between entrepreneurs from different countries gave impetus to the creation of the International Community of Young Entrepreneurs. Already on March 5, the World Youth Festival will be the starting point for the development of partnership relations between young businessmen.

The interactive "Bingo" format has become valuable and useful. Experienced entrepreneurs and specialists were able to share their knowledge, lessons from their own experience, they also gave opponents valuable advice on self-development and self-realization, including in our country.

 It is worth noting that interactive events for festival participants are held daily in the Gardens by the Runway. In the format of mentoring guests, workshops, career consultations and quizzes, visitors are introduced to the opportunities presented in Russia for young people. Simultaneously with the game formats, a rich business program takes place in the zone of the WYF International Airport.

Among the speakers of the business and career business programs are Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Denis Manturov, founder and honorary president of the French Chamber of Commerce Emmanuel Kidet, circus artist and trainer Askold Zapashny, co-founder of the Moskvach Telegram channel and founder of the Teleres advertising agency Ilya Nizhenko, Russian designer and entrepreneur Artemy Lebedev and many others.


The World Youth Festival is held in accordance with the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin to develop international youth cooperation. At the first meeting of the Organizing Committee chaired by Sergey Kiriyenko, First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration, it was decided to hold the Festival in the Sirius Federal Territory.

20,000 young leaders in education, science, international cooperation, culture, volunteering, charity, sports, business, media, etc., including 10,000 foreign participants, will take part in the WYF 2024. For the first time in the history of the festival movement, teenagers from 14 to 17 years old had the opportunity to join the event, including 500 from Russia and 500 from abroad. 5,000 volunteers from all regions of Russia, including 228 residents of the LPR, DPR, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Regions be involved in the organization and delivery of the Festival. The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) is the organizer of the World Youth Festival, with the of the World Youth Festival Directorate serving as the operator for the WYF 2024.

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