Russia to the World, the World to Russia — WYF 2024 to Present the Achievements of Russian and Foreign Scientists

21 February 2024, 17:58

Participants of the World Youth Festival will find themselves in the Russia to the World, the World to Russia multimedia space. They will learn not only about the achievements of Russian scientists and the importance of their discoveries for world civilization, but also about the contribution of foreign explorers, writers and developers to Russian history.

The exhibition will showcase achievements in space, science, medicine, culture, geography, economics, education, sports, IT, media, ecology, politics, and other fields. The exhibition will include 48 interactive displays. They will help Festival guests learn about outstanding figures in world history in Russian, English, Chinese, French, Arabic, and Spanish. The centerpiece of the exhibition will be a multimedia cube. Its three meter long sides will be updated every minute with video content about the WYF 2024 participants, their achievements, and their contributions to science and culture.

"The world's first airplane and helicopter, a heat engine, a nuclear power plant, a gasoline engine, an electric submarine, jet and supersonic passenger aircraft, space explorers, the world's first lung transplant, and the first model of an artificial heart are all ours... And the list could go on indefinitely in all fields, for this is only a small fraction of what the world owes to our country. The main task of the Russia to the World, the World to Russia exhibition is to create a positive image of Russia by showing the guests and participants of the Festival the contribution of our country to the world science, medicine, geography, history, and culture, as well as the contribution of foreigners to the development of Russia," said Ivan Esin, Head of the Russia Is My History Historical Park.

The exhibition is prepared by the Perspektiva National Foundation for the Development of Humanitarian Knowledge with the support of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives and with the participation of experts from the Russia Is My History project.



The World Youth Festival will take place in 2024 according to the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the development of international youth cooperation. At the first meeting of the Organizing Committee chaired by Sergey Kiriyenko, First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration, it was decided to hold the Festival in the Sirius Federal Territory.

20,000 young leaders in education, science, international cooperation, culture, volunteering, charity, sports, business, media, etc., including 10,000 foreign participants, will take part in the WYF 2024. For the first time in the history of the festival movement young people aged 14-17, 500 from Russia and 500 from abroad, will have the opportunity to participate in the event.

The World Youth Festival is organized by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) and operated by the World Youth Festival Directorate.

Prepared by the WYF 2024 Press Office

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