The Role of Scientific Awards for International Cooperation Discussed at the World Youth Festival

3 March 2024, 19:39

On March 3, within the framework of the business program of the World Youth Festival, a panel discussion "Scientific awards: recognition of merit and support for scientists" was held. The discussion was attended by leading scientists, recipients of awards in the field of science and technology, and the organizers of such awards as the UNESCO-Russia D.I. Mendeleev International Award, the Lobachevsky Award, the Sber Science Award and the Vyzov National Award for Future Technologies.

Today scientific awards play a key role not only to support scientists and popularize their discoveries, but also to support international scientific dialogue and scientific diplomacy - this was the conclusion reached by the participants of the session "Scientific awards: recognition of merit and support for scientists" held at the World Youth Festival on March 3.

During the panel discussion, scientists-winners of scientific awards told about their personal experience of receiving the award, how it affected their professional path, how it influenced their further research and work in the scientific field. Also, the organizers of the Russian awards shared details about the opportunities for foreign citizens to apply for participation in the competitions.

The discussion was moderated by Alexey Fedorov, a member of the Coordination Council for Youth Affairs in the Scientific and Educational Spheres of the Presidential Council for Science and Education. The participants of the discussion were: Artem Oganov, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Materials Design Laboratory at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology; Yulia Gorbunova, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice President of the Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society, Dean of the Faculty of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering at Lomonosov Moscow State University; Pavlos Lagoudakis, Vice President for Photonics, Head of the Hybrid Photonics Laboratory at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech); winner of the Vyzov National Award in the field of future technologies; Albert Efimov, Vice-President of Sberbank, Head of Department at MISIS University and Leonid Shlyakhover, President of the Vyzov Foundation for Development of Scientific and Cultural Relations.

"Scientific awards today are not only a way to reward the merits of outstanding scientists and engineers, but also an important tool for international scientific dialogue. In this context, it is very important that business is actively involved in the creation of scientific awards," says Alexey Fedorov.

Among the examples of scientific awards organized on the part of business, we can highlight the Sber scientific award and the Vyzov national award, its co-founder was Gazprombank.

"A scientific award is a benchmark for both the scientist, the scientific community and business. The value of the award is directly proportional to the scientific level and objectivity of those who award it. The Scientific Committee of the Vyzov Award consists of scientists of the highest level, and our committee guarantees objectivity and impartiality in reviewing all applications," says Artem Oganov.

"We do not just give the award - we continue to work with the laureates - bring them into the public field, make them media personalities and opinion leaders", says Leonid Shlyakhover.

Each of the awards plays an important role in supporting leading researchers, helping scientific discoveries to become more understandable to the general public and more attractive for business. At the same time, the key task remains to ensure international scientific dialog and support scientific collaboration.

"I am convinced that the Science awards can become an example of effective international cooperation and open constructive dialog," said Pavlos Lagoudakis.

For business, the awards are a format for investing in knowledge. For example, this is how Gazprombank, a key partner and founder of the Vyzov Award, considers the award. Sberbank also counts on scientific awards.

"Today, to be competitive, we rely on the most advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, quantum computing, robotics and many others. But at the heart of the most advanced solutions is science. The Sber Science Award helps us build a bridge of interaction between the academic community and our engineers and researchers. This undoubtedly contributes to the development of science in Russia," commented Albert Efimov.

"The UNESCO Mendeleev Award in Basic Sciences is one of the main results of the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, which was announced by the UN in 2019. The first 4 winners are Nobel-level scientists, Academicians Oganesyan, Academician Beletskaya, Prof. Balzani from Italy and Prof. Klaus from Germany. And it confirms not only the tribute to the memory of the highest scientist - D. I. Mendeleev, but also the established reputation of this young award. Under the "cover" of the award it is planned to launch new international projects", - shared Yulia Gorbunova.

At the end of the discussion, representatives of science came to the conclusion that scientific awards are important to make advanced scientific research more understandable to the general public, as well as to accelerate the transition of scientific knowledge in the category of economic benefits. Science awards play a key role in supporting scientists and popularizing their achievements. They not only make the profession prestigious, but also serve as motivation for young scientists, demonstrating the demand for science and technology. Along with state awards, private awards from leading technology companies are also emerging, which broadens the range of opportunities.

The session is organized with the support of the Coordination Council for Youth Affairs in Science and Education of the Presidential Council for Science and Education of the Russian Federation.

The World Youth Festival is taking place at the Sirius Federal Territory from March 1 to 7, 2024, as per the decree issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin aimed at fostering international youth cooperation.

The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) is the organizer of the World Youth Festival, with the Directorate of the World Youth Festival serving as the operator for WYF-2024.

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