Director Konstantin Bogomolov Holds a Creative Meeting at the World Youth Festival

3 March 2024, 14:26

As part of the World Youth Festival, a creative meeting with Konstantin Bogomolov, director and artistic director of the Moscow Drama Theatre on Malaya Bronnaya, was held on the theme: "Cinema and theater: new look at familiar things". 

Konstantin Bogomolov said that specialists who work with artificial intelligence, computer graphics, programming, have become in demand in theaters, but no technology will not replace direct contact between the actor and the audience in the hall.

"We need specialists who work with artificial intelligence. For example, I, at some point realized that artificial intelligence is a very significant help in video," Konstantin Bogomolov said at the meeting, which was held as part of the Multinational Unity Day at the World Youth Festival.

The director noted that we also need specialists who work with computer graphics and those who are involved in programming, as the theater very quickly begins to use any technology that helps to realize human fantasies. But at the same time Konstantin Bogomolov emphasized that the ability to make history, to talk to people in human language is the most important thing.

"The direct contact between one person and another is the most difficult and the greatest art. No technology cancels this," explained director Konstantin Bogomolov.


The World Youth Festival is taking place at the Sirius Federal Territory from March 1 to 7, 2024, as per the decree issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin aimed at fostering international youth cooperation.

The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) is the organizer of the World Youth Festival, with the Directorate of the World Youth Festival serving as the operator for WYF 2024.

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