The recruitment of volunteers for the World Youth Festival has started

8 June 2023, 19:21

"The application process for the Volunteer Corps of the World Youth Festival has solemnly been launched at Dobro.Conference in Samara. Applications from those who want to be volunteers of the World Youth Festival will be accepted until December 1 at DOBRO.RF. 5,000 citizens of Russia, including 250 residents of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Lugansk People’s Republic, Zaporozhye and Kherson Oblasts will be volunteers of the festival.

Volunteers of the World Youth Festival can be Russian citizens over 18 years old, and over 16 years old — for city volunteers in Moscow and Sochi. The selection will take into account teamwork skills, sociability, stress resistance, volunteer experience, knowledge of foreign languages.

The opening of a mural dedicated to the volunteer movement on the facade of the Volga State College gave a symbolic start to the volunteer application submission campaign. The mural reflects such values ​​of the Festival as charity, mutual assistance and teamwork: it symbolizes the possibility of self-fulfilment of volunteers through a joint contribution to the creation of an unforgettable, inspiring global event.

A contest has also begun to select 20 Volunteer Recruitment and Training Centers in each federal district of Russia, which will have the opportunity to actively participate in the Festival. Any educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education, non-profit organizations, government agencies that carry out activities to develop volunteerism in the Russian Federation and work with youth may apply.

Applications for the contest are accepted at until June 30, 2023. In August 2023, it is planned to sign agreements on cooperation with the winners of the contest and to present certificates and deliver training for the heads of the centers.

“Traditionally, Russia is the country having the strongest volunteer community, and an extensive volunteer program. And all this thanks to our unique experience accumulated over many years. Particular attention should be given to those who create this experience with their deeds — our volunteers. These are people who, at the call of their hearts, repeatedly proved themselves during the pandemic, and during various emergencies, and during the time of partial mobilization, and in helping our servicemen in the Special Military Operation zone, their families, civilians in new regions, and temporary migrants. These unique people, Russians, Volunteers with a capital “V”, have the highest level of empathy, are ready to provide support in any situation, come to the rescue 24/7 to those who need it right now,” said Ksenia Razuvaeva, Head of Rosmolodezh."


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