Works by Artists from Donbass Presented at the World Youth Festival

4 March 2024, 21:21

The Without Borders. Artists of Donbass exhibition opened at the World Youth Festival in Sirius. The project is intended to reveal the worldview of people who find themselves in the epicenter of a geopolitical confrontation, through art Guests and participants of the WYF 2024 from 188 countries got acquainted with the work of young painters from new regions of Russia and learned about their true feelings.

The Without Borders. Artists of Donbass project was implemented by the Art Cluster Tavrida (Rosmolodezh) together with the ARTPatrol media project about contemporary art. One of the key themes of the World Youth Festival is "A world of opportunity for everyone". The Without Borders. Artists of Donbass exhibition project is especially valuable because it gave artists from new regions of Russia an opportunity to share their perception of current events with society through art. At the World Youth Festival, the painters' works were seen by visitors from 188 countries.

"I am very happy to be part of such a historic event as the World Youth Festival. I am amazed at the scale and how many different people the Festival brings together. It's nice that I live in a time of great opportunity. I still can't believe that the work I created has been seen by so many people. Thanks to Tavrida, I was able to show my experiences to the world, and it understood them. It's nice to know that your work resonates with people and leaves at least a small trace in their souls. Many thanks to the Art Cluster and the WYF for the opportunity to create and present my art, make new friends and be proud of what I do," said artist Ekaterina Galichaya.

The Without Borders. Artists of Donbass project presents the self-reflection of young creators, proving once again that it is art that can be a real support for a person. The paintings of the painters reflect inner feelings and hidden dreams, expose the hidden feelings of the inhabitants of Donbass. The exhibition presents life in its various manifestations: darker works are associated with the horror of wartime, destroyed houses and the state of desolation, and next to them are bright and light canvases as an embodiment of faith in the advent of peaceful times, the continuation of life and the flourishing of creativity.

"I would advise everyone to visit this exhibition because the project epitomizes the saving power of art. The painters, whose works are presented in the exhibition, are in a very difficult situation and despite all the difficulties, their art continues to live. It is filled with deep meanings. In every piece of artwork, there is hope for a brighter future and a speedy peace. This exhibition is definitely worth seeing for every WYF participant," said Yuri Omelchenko, author and host of the ARTPatrol media project about contemporary art.

The presentation of the exhibition took place in August 2022 in the framework of the festival of fine arts held during the festival Tavrida.ART in Crimea. The works were selected through a competitive process. Painters born and/or residing in Donbass and representing different directions: painting, graphics, performance, installation, video-art and others took part in it. According to the results of the selection, the exposition included the works of 26 young artists from Donbass. During the days of the festival, the exhibition was visited by more than 5000 spectators, including guests of honor and experts of Tavrida.

In November 2022, the exhibition project was presented at the M. Matusovsky Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts in Lugansk and the A. I. Kuindzhi Art Museum in Mariupol.  And from December 5 to 22 the exposition was open for all comers within the framework of the cultural program of the Weeks of Tavrida.ART in Moscow in the House of Youth in the Central Exhibition Hall "Manezh". In 2023 the exhibition was seen by residents of Saratov, Voronezh, Veliky Novgorod and other cities of Russia.


The World Youth Festival is taking place at the Sirius Federal Territory from March 1 to 7, 2024, as per the decree issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin aimed at fostering international youth cooperation.

The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) is the organizer of the World Youth Festival, with the World Youth Festival Directorate serving as the operator for WYF-2024.

The Tavrida Art Cluster acts as a content partner of the event and presents in the Festival program a series of projects demonstrating the achievements of young art in contemporary Russia. At the WYF, the Art Cluster Tavrida.ART announced the start of registration for the festival of young art, which will be held in August in Crimea, and offered exclusive opportunities for WYF participants. Registration is open to everyone at

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