World Youth Festival Uniform Presented

1 March 2024, 23:08

Rosmolodezh presented the World Youth Festival uniformed, manufactured by the Beregi brand.

The fashion show took place on the catwalk, which was equipped on the runway under a model of the MS-21 aircraft. The chosen young Russian brand reflects the values of a large-scale youth event.

Ksenia Razuvaeva, Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, noted that the show creates very positive emotions and leaves good impressions.

“It is a very cool concept - we deliberately took the path of attracting young, talented guys, entrepreneurs who created their brand from scratch in Russia, the Far East and became successful. It is important that the very idea of this equipment is inspired by nature and each element of clothing is an ode to the main natural attractions - seas, oceans, lakes, mountains. One of the values for any young person today is environmental friendliness in all its forms. In general, at the Festival we placed special emphasis on this topic, and the approach to holding the festival itself is quite environmentally friendly - our goal is a zero carbon footprint. And the equipment itself is made environmentally, using waste-free production,” Ksenia Razuvaeva told reporters.

Taras and Tatyana Sharyga, creators of the project and authors of the WYF 2024 uniform for participants, volunteers and staff, noted that the brand has existed for 12 years. 

“The most important thing I wanted to say is to thank you for your trust. Thank you for trusting us to create the concept of equipment for the Festival. Tanya, my wife, the creator and ideologist of the brand, came up with the concept, drew, and put in meaning. When we read the values of the Festival, we were very moved, because they coincide with the values of Beregi. Now, having looked at the presentation of the collection, we were proud. We created clothes in our waste-free production,” Taras Sharyga said at the presentation.

His wife noted that when creating the uniform, they were inspired by nature - Kamchatka volcanoes, the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and the colors of the northern lights. 

“When we worked on creating equipment for the Festival, our task was to reveal the idea of unity in diversity. And a lot of people worked on creating this equipment. We laid nature as the basis, because nature in general is the basis of everything, and it also underlies our Beregi brand. And nature returns man to his roots; it, as a unifying link, unites all the numerous peoples with traditions and values,” added Tatyana Sharyga.


The World Youth Festival is held in the Sirius Federal Territory from March 1 to 7, 2024, in accordance with the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin in order to develop international youth cooperation.

The organizer of the World Youth Festival is the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh), the operator of the WYF 2024 is the World Youth Festival Directorate.

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