Andrey Fursenko, Aide to the President of the Russian Federation: Young Scientists Should Attract Young People to Science

4 March 2024, 17:17

Development of fundamental and applied research, popularization of science, what is the excitement of a scientist, equal rights in science for men and women - these and other issues were discussed at the meeting of the participants of the World Youth Festival with the Aide to the President of the Russian Federation Andrey Fursenko. The conversation took place in a free and relaxed question and answer format on March 4, which the festival declared as the day of "A world of opportunity for everyone".  

In particular, the participants of the meeting were interested in the prospects and opportunities for young scientists, asked at what age it is better to introduce children to STEM disciplines. 

"I think immersion in science is characterized by an earlier age than being a student. And this is where the popularization of science, which we talk about a lot, plays a big role. Science ­is an interesting path, and economic reason does not play by any means the first role here. It's just really interesting because you're doing something that no one else has done before you. And I guess you just have to talk about it. And I think young people like you can do more to attract to science sometimes than sometimes honored people can. You will be heard sooner," Andrei Fursenko said.

He noted that in modern Russia the interest in science has reached its historical maximum. Aide to the President of the Russian Federation referred to sociological surveys, according to which the interest in science today has exceeded the level of the Soviet era, and not only children, but also their parents are interested in the field. 


Another topic raised by the participants of the meeting was the ratio of basic and applied research. The latter, according to the speaker, have become prevalent in recent years.  

"The fact is that a scientist, of course, wants to see the result of his labor, it's appreciated by those around him. There is much less fundamental work in math and physics, and this is very important. And while today applied work can be supported by businessmen, no one is likely to support fundamental research except the state. Therefore, as the President of the Russian Federation said recently, the Russian Science Foundation, which can now also support applied work, should remember that its main goal is to support fundamental work," noted Andrey Fursenko.

Answering a question from one of the participants, the Aide to the President of the Russian Federation emphasized the importance for a scientist of a high level of general education to be interested in various spheres, seemingly very far from the exact sciences. 

"If you want to do science, you have to appreciate the redundancy. Science is also partly an art, an unconventional blue-sky thinking. You still have to, as they call it, look around. Not because it's important, necessary or helpful, it's not like taking vitamins. It's just because you're interested. And if you're not, you're likely to have problems with the primary matter as well. Although I know people who are "narrow-minded" and get results. But there are fewer such people around my way," concluded Andrey Fursenko.


The World Youth Festival is taking place at the Sirius Federal Territory from March 1 to 7, 2024, as per the decree issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin aimed at fostering international youth cooperation.

The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) is the organizer of the World Youth Festival, with the Directorate of the World Youth Festival serving as the operator for WYF-2024.


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