An agreement was signed to promote volunteerism in the Tula Region

2 March 2024, 15:11

During the World Youth Festival on Saturday, March 2nd, a trilateral agreement was signed to foster volunteerism in the Tula region. The agreement involved the regional government, the Association of Volunteer Centers, and the Tula Regional Youth Center.

The agreement was signed by Dmitry Milyaev, First Deputy Governor of the Tula Region; Artem Metelev, Chairman of the Council of the Association of Volunteer Centers; and Vyacheslav Rodionov, Acting Director of the State Institution of the Tula Region, the Tula Regional Youth Center.

As Dmitry Milyaev, First Deputy Governor of the Tula Region, mentioned during the press briefing, the Governor actively supports all youth initiatives in the region. Consequently, the Tula Region currently ranks among the top 5 regions in terms of volunteerism development.

"We are hopeful that today's agreement will mark a new phase in the development of youth policy and the volunteer movement in the Tula region. I am pleased to announce that today we have established volunteer centers in all municipalities. Plus we have them on the basis of two supporting universities. These are Tula State University and Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University. That is, in fact, all the infrastructure that is needed for this has been put in place. More than 112 thousand children are engaged in volunteer activities, so I am confident that this movement will continue to thrive," said Dmitry Milyaev.

He added that all volunteers participate in various social events and activities taking place in the Tula region. Additionally, every year in the region, there is a forum called "Dorogoyu Dobra", where the best volunteers are recognized, and various competitions are held.

Artem Metelev, Chairman of the Council of the Association of Volunteer Centers, noted that the number of volunteers has increased almost tenfold in the last decade.

"And people are coming into charitable social projects today, becoming mentors.  That is really great. However, they often encounter various problems and difficulties in interacting with authorities. In some cases, they are not heard, in others, resources are not provided, and civil activism may sometimes be viewed with wariness. And the state today no longer has a monopoly on solving problems. It willingly shares this right," said Artem Metelev.


The World Youth Festival is taking place at the Sirius Federal Territory from March 1 to 7, 2024, as per the decree issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin aimed at fostering international youth cooperation.

The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) is the organizer of the World Youth Festival, with the Directorate of the World Youth Festival serving as the operator for WYF-2024.

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