Russia – Land of Opportunity National Award Presented at the World Youth Festival in Sirius

4 March 2024, 21:38

As part of the World Youth Festival, the presentation of the Russia – the Land of Opportunity National Award took place. The participants in the show were the heroes of the most inspiring stories of the Award, who will compete for victory in the special nomination “WYF Choice.” In addition, the performance “Reverse” from the Moscow Musical Theater was organized for the guests of the Festival.

From March 1 to 7, 100 participants of the Russia – the Land of Opportunity National Award from 33 regions of the Russian Federation take an active part in the World Youth Festival. A daily educational program, lectures, trainings, discussions, and workshops aimed at personal development are organized for them. In addition, each of the nominees became a direct participant in the big show dedicated to the presentation of the Award at the Festival.

Thus, the trainings and educational program are aimed at promoting the personal brand of the National Award participants and revealing their unique stories. One of the speakers and trainers was Elena Kiper - music and film producer, director-clip maker, songwriter, presenter, journalist, teacher at Russian higher educational institutions in the disciplines of producing and video making.

The presentation of the Award was distinguished by its technology: the main concept is the connection of generative graphics, screen, light and voice, which conducts a dialogue with the audience and participants of the Award using a special detector. The Award participants wore fitness bracelets on their wrists, thanks to which all viewers of the show on the screen were able to see the heartbeat and hear the breathing of the participants in the special category as they talked about their life’s work.

“Today, as part of the World Youth Festival, the participants of the Russia – Land of Opportunity National Award took a big step: they announced themselves, their projects and achievements to the general public of the Festival. It brought together more than 20,000 people - ambitious, active, promising people from all over the world. The National Award delegation is people who make the world around us better every day. Scientists, doctors, teachers, innovators, journalists – Russia is rich in talents, and I am pleased to see their sparkling eyes,” – noted the Director of the presidential platform “Russia – the Land of Opportunity”, Rector of the Presidential Academy (RANEPA) Alexey Komissarov.

The Russia – the Land of Opportunity National Award was organized on behalf of the President of Russia. The start was given on December 19, 2023. Applications acception ended on January 31, 2024. During this time, more than 33 thousand applications from all over the country were received to participate in the Award. The participants were citizens over 18 years of age who, through their deeds, are developing the country, changing the world around them and becoming a positive example for others.

Let us remind you that the winner of the special nomination from the World Youth Festival “WYF Choice” will be chosen by the Festival participants themselves.

“Here today at the Award I will give me the opportunity to tell my story, which I hope will resonate in the hearts of thousands of people. Thanks to participation, I was able to meet interesting people, touch their stories and the projects they implement. During discussions at trainings and between events, each competitor came up with new ideas and approaches for scaling, as well as for further development within the framework of joint cooperation,” shared Yulia Ruzankina, participant in the “Science and Technology” nomination.

“For me, it’s already a victory to be among the lucky 100 out of 30,000 applications. After all, the Award is an opportunity for me to grow as a person, to continue and develop my story. The award is the push that will help me achieve my goal and fulfill my dream in the future. I know for sure that when I return to my region, I will not be the same. Now I know that you can live and create differently, think big, help and give kindness to those who are nearby, who need it,” said Sergei Sokolov, participant in the “Leadership” nomination.

In the meantime, the main stage of the Award is still ongoing. The participants' applications passed technical selection, and the next stage of expert evaluation began - verification of stories. Next, a popular vote will take place to determine the finalists. Based on the results of completing the stage, participants can receive a confirmation certificate in their personal account. The winners of the Award will be announced at the International Exhibition and Forum “Russia”.

Residents of the country were able to participate in the Award in 13 categories at once: “Healthcare and Medicine”, “Entrepreneurship”, “Leadership”, “Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence”, “Ecology”, “Tourism”, “Sports and Street Culture”, “Science” and technology”, “Inclusion”, “Creativity and art”, “Media”, “Education” and “Regional development”.

The winners of the Russia – Land of Opportunity Award will have the opportunity to become an ambassador of the Russia – Land of Opportunity presidential platform, an invitation as a speaker and expert to specialized events, information support and participation in the documentary film “It’s about the People”, travel around Russia, training in RANEPA on the profile and the Senezh Management Workshop. The winners will also receive an individual package of support and development in the field of professional and personal fulfillment.

The list of nominees for the popular vote and information about the next stage of the Russia – Land of Opportunity National Award will be posted on the website

Russia – the Land of Opportunity was created on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 22, 2018. The mission of the platform is to create the future of Russia, opening equal opportunities for everyone. The platform helps any person, no matter where he lives, what profession he chosy or what family he grew up in, to gain opportunities for his development. This is an open platform for communication between talented and caring people of all ages, exchange of experience between schoolchildren, students, specialized specialists, entrepreneurs, managers and volunteers. The Supervisory Board of Russia – the Land of Opportunity is headed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The platform has been operating for 5 years, and during this time people from 89 regions of the country and 150 countries of the world have become its participants. Participation in the platform’s projects, competitions and competitions helps you find like-minded people and make useful contacts, enroll in a university or undergo a promising internship, find your dream job, advance in your career, win a grant, get a personal mentor who will help you hone your skills or develop leadership skills. Today, the platform presents projects and competitions for people of different ages and interests - from schoolchildren to experienced managers, for specialized specialists and working professions, human resources pool and those who are just planning to get there.

As part of the activities of Russia - Land of Opportunity, an educational center operates - the Senezh Management Workshop. Participants in platform projects and competitions, active youth, as well as managers and government officials are trained there. The workshop serves as a platform for various educational and youth events.

On the basis of the country's leading universities, the presidential platform is developing Competence Centers, in which students undergo diagnostics of superprofessional skills and receive tools for their development. Young specialists who have passed the assessment of universal competencies can now confirm their skills on the largest Russian online recruiting platform, Head Hunter.

The Russia – the Land of Opportunity presidential platform has opened its own Recruitment Agency, focused on helping ministries, departments and state companies in selecting strong candidates.

Representative offices of the Russia – Land of Opportunity platform operate in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. They are equipped with lecture halls for educational events, information centers, as well as collaborative work areas, providing residents of the new constituent entities of the Russian Federation with additional opportunities for personal and professional development.

The World Youth Festival takes place from March 1 to March 7, 2024 on the federal territory of Sirius in accordance with the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin in order to develop international youth cooperation. The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) is the organizer of the World Youth Festival, with the World Youth Festival Directorate serving as the operator for the WYF 2024.



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