Moscow hosted a ceremonial awarding of certificates to the Centers of volunteer recruitment and training of the World Youth Festival 2024

10 August 2023, 19:00

On August 10th, the certificates of winners of the Contest to determine the Centers of volunteer recruitment and training of the Festival were handed out, as well as the signing of tripartite agreements between the Directorate of the World Youth Festival, the Association of Volunteer Centers and the heads of the Centers of volunteer recruitment and training of the Festival.

A total of 27 organizations located in each federal district of Russia were selected based on the results of the competition. The centers of recruitment and training of WYF 2024 volunteers will be established on their basis, which will select applications and train volunteers from all over Russia, as well as coordinate the work of volunteers at the Festival.

«The selected 27 centers of recruitment and training of volunteers have a responsible mission - to organize the work of the volunteer corps of the World Youth Festival. They will have to select and train 5 thousand volunteers in 15 functional areas. The signing of agreements is the first step in the work of the centers of recruitment and training of volunteers, which gives a start to the process of selection and training of volunteers in all federal districts. We are confident that the Centers will cope with the task and will be able to provide high-quality training of volunteers, which guarantees that the Festival will leave warm memories for all participants from different countries for many years,» said the Head of Rosmolodezh Ksenia Razuvaeva.

The list of the first 13 centers of recruitment and training of volunteers included:

  • Far Eastern Federal University;
  • Altai Volunteer Development Center;
  • Association of Volunteer Centers of Krasnoyarsk Krai «Krasvolonter»;
  • Volunteerism Resource Center of the Arkhangelsk Region;
  • Krasnodar Regional Branch of the Youth All-Russian Public Organization «Russian Student Detachments»;
  • Volunteers of Khabarovsk Krai Volunteerism Resource Center;
  • Regional Center for Organization and Conduct of Youth Events in the Omsk Region;
  • Kaliningrad Regional Center for Volunteerism Development;
  • Resource Center for the development and support of the volunteer movement «Mosvolonter»;
  • State Autonomous Institution of the Yaroslavl Region «Youth Palace»;
  • State budgetary institution of the Samara Region «Agency for the Implementation of Youth Policy»;
  • State Autonomous Institution of the Rostov Region «Don Volunteer Center»;
  • All-Russian public movement of volunteers in the field of healthcare «Medical Volunteers».

The agreements provide for the functional obligations of the Centers of recruitment and training of volunteers, as well as the formats of interaction with the World Youth Festival Directorate. The signing of cooperation agreements with the remaining Centers will take place in September-October 2023.

«The formation of the volunteer corps of the World Youth Festival is entering an active phase. Volunteer recruitment and training centers are preparing for the beginning of the big work and taking on a lot of responsibility. A significant part of the Festival's success depends on how well they will be able to organize the process, adapt their resources to the tasks of training volunteers for the largest international event, and how much they will be inspired by their mission and will be able to motivate volunteers. We have already received more than 14 thousand applications for participation in the volunteer program of the World Youth Festival 2024 through the platform DOBRO.RU. The competition is three people per place, and the competition will become even stronger. Many young people are ready to be useful to the Festival family and help in whatever will be necessary, and this is already worthy of our gratitude. We know for sure that volunteers play an important role in making big and small events meaningful. Good luck!» said Artem Metelev, the Chairman of the Council of the Association of Volunteer Centers, the Head of DOBRO.RU.

The seminar also included presentations on the volunteer, regional and motivational programs of the Festival and the methodology of training coaches and team leaders of the WYF 2024 volunteer corps for the heads of 27 volunteer centers. The speakers were employees of the World Youth Festival Directorate and experts in the field of training volunteer corps at major international events.

The selection of candidates for WYF 2024 volunteers will begin in late September based on certified centers. In the same period, the process of training coaches for training volunteers will start. They will train volunteers in all regions of the country as official representatives of the Centers until the end of January 2024.

Prepared by the World Youth Festival Press Office

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