MGIMO and Movement of the First Agreed on Cooperation

3 March 2024, 12:35

In the framework of the World Youth Festival on Sunday, March 3, a cooperation agreement was signed between Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the Russian Movement of Children and Youth "Movement of the First". 

The document was signed by Anatoly Torkunov, Rector of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, and Grigory Gurov, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Movement of Children and Youth "Movement of the First". The agreement was signed within the framework of the day of "Multinational Unity", which is held under the umbrella of the World Youth Festival.

The signed agreement will become the basis for the development of joint educational and vocational guidance projects, as well as the organization of all-Russian and regional events in the field of international relations and diplomacy. 

"I think we will be able to make a serious contribution to the development of international interaction, the realization of international projects that are in the movement, educational projects. We have already accumulated a very serious and significant experience in this regard through various forms of interaction with schoolchildren and young people. I understand that today "Movement of the First" is already, you know, an established organization, already gaining serious experience, so cooperation with universities, and especially with a university that is engaged in the development of international cooperation, seems to be extremely important. So I thank the management of the Movement of the First, I thank everyone who supported the idea of signing such an agreement and I hope that our participation in the programs of the movement, not only participation, but also the initiation of a number of new projects and programs, will be very useful to the movement", said Anatoly Torkunov.

According to Grigory Gurov, the organization already has experience of cooperation with various agencies: the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the same time, all international cooperation of the movement is supported by MGIMO. 

"We are developing one of the directions related to international cooperation, we believe that the format of friendship, the format of relationships begins just with school clubs, children's camps, when the kids see each other, learn, when they have friendly relations, which helps to really understand each other and then in adulthood," said Grigory Gurov.

According to him, now, one of the 18 laboratories of the movement on international relations is working within the framework of the WYF-2024, the participants of which already intend to create a project after the Festival. The format of relations within this structure will be chosen by the kids themselves.

"The agreement that we are signing today, it is also just the foundation of the great work that we will plan and realize further," said Grigory Gurov.


The World Youth Festival is taking place at the Sirius Federal Territory from March 1 to 7, 2024, as per the decree issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin aimed at fostering international youth cooperation.

The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) is the organizer of the World Youth Festival, with the Directorate of the World Youth Festival serving as the operator for WYF-2024.

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