Season 3 of the University Science Slam League Starts at the World Youth Festival

4 March 2024, 19:35

The Science Slam Association of Russia, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and NUST MISIS launched the III season of the University League of Science Slams at the World Youth Festival. Participants of the second season from five cities of Russia competed for the main award. The winner was Vera Andreeva from Chuvash State University.

At the slam, scientists talk about their own research, each of them has only 10 minutes to make it interesting and understandable, and then they answer three questions from the audience. 

"One of the missions of scientific slams is to show that real scientists are the role model that you want to follow. Now the University League is being implemented throughout Russia. With this event at the World Youth Festival, we want to demonstrate to the world a format that viewers and participants will probably use in their countries, and we will someday make a league of BRICS countries, or a league of scientific slams of the CIS, or any other united one," shared in his welcoming speech Andrey Voronin, acting vice-rector for education at MISIS University.

The winner is determined by the loudness and duration of the applause with the help of a sound meter. Vera Andreeva from Cheboksary won, explaining how compounds based on poisons and nanodiamonds can be used to treat cancer. Four more scientists from Vladivostok, Belgorod, Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk also participated in the slam:

- Konstantine Nadaraia from the Vladivostok Institute of Chemistry of the Far Eastern Federal University of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Far Eastern Federal University told how to overcome the laziness of metals and make them work at full capacity,

- Elena Duganova from the Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhova spoke on the topic "Cars of the future or who should drive cars: human or AI?"

- Elena Kondakova from Nizhny Novgorod Lobachevsky University told what biological age is and whether it is possible to measure it, based on modern scientific research,

- Alexander Shmakov from the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management explained why our brain makes mistakes and how a person can become more rational.

The Science Slam Association of Russia, together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and NUST MISIS, are holding the University League of Science Slams from 2022. During the first two seasons, more than 210 slams were held in more than 50 regions of Russia, and more than 1,300 scientists spoke about their scientific research. In 2023, the project became a laureate of the "For Faithfulness to Science" award in the "Decade of Science and Technology" nomination.


The World Youth Festival is taking place at the Sirius Federal Territory from March 1 to 7, 2024, as per the decree issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin aimed at fostering international youth cooperation.

The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) is the organizer of the World Youth Festival, with the World Youth Festival Directorate serving as the operator for WYF 2024.


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