Figure Skater Kamila Valieva Thanked the Russian President For His Support

4 March 2024, 18:21

On Monday, 4 March, Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva took part in the workshop "Pride of the Nation: Skaters Who Melted Ice and Hearts" as part of the Znanie.Pervye Marathon at the World Youth Festival.

This day at WYF 2024 is dedicated to the topic "A World of Opportunity for Everyone".

She thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for the support she received during the opening ceremony of the Future Games in Kazan. She noted the fans activity in this city.

"The most active fans are in Kazan, I was born here. It gets to your heart when you're warming up at the six-minute mark and hearing the whole hall shouting your name, I had goosebumps. Speaking about the Future Games, I am happy for our country, because we are the first to organise such a large-scale combined competition in fijital and conventional sports. I would like to express my gratitude to our President for the opportunity to attend the opening, for his support, for such attention, it is worth a lot," said Kamila Valieva.

She admitted that athletes have to sacrifice a lot, but in return they get the opportunity to represent the country in international competitions.

"You sacrifice something, but you get medals in return. Also we represent the country in competitions. It's a high duty with a high price to pay. I would compare it to taking the USE: I need to learn English, I have four months, and I realise that I'd better study every night now so that I can pass the exam," said Kamila Valieva.

She also told us that we should not exalt the role of rituals, as they do not affect a lot.

"During the Olympic season, I had a ritual to make first step on the ice with my left foot, do a certain warm-up. But after the Olympic season, you realise that not everything in your life depends on rituals. There is no need to exaggerate their role. Then you find support not in rituals, but in yourself," said Kamila Valieva.

Meanwhile, since 2020, she has a tradition of visiting the street skating rink on 31 December.

"Mark (Kondratyuk) and I visited the rink on 31 December after the pre-Olympic Russian Championships. I've had a tradition since 2020 of coming to a street skating rink on 31 December. Three years in a row it was at VDNKh, but this year we visited Gorky Park," the athlete said.

She also told us that it was her mother who taught her not to give up. Later on, this attitude helped her to achieve results in top-level sports.

"My mother, my family always support me, that's my foundation. My mum instilled determination and politeness in me. I could always come to her not as daughter to mother, but talk to her as friend to friend. I'd say: "I can't do it". And I heard in response: "Continue your work and you will definitely get your reward, because you put your soul, patience, diligence in it". She taught me not to give up", said Kamila Valieva.

She also said that she admires 12-year-old figure skater Margarita Bazyliuk.

"Our girls are unbelievable. I admire Margarita Bazyliuk. She performs the free routine perfectly every day. I last skated with her during the Olympic season, I know how hard it is. I really hope she retains her abilities when she grows up. She just flies around in training, doing quarter axels! Perseverance, perseverance and perseverance again", said Kamila Valieva.

Also, the Russian figure skater revealed that she will take part in an ice show in China, which is still under development.

"We're developing a very interesting show in China. I can humbly say that l will play the main character on the ice, and the rest of the action will take place around me. There will be amazing dancers, actors, musicians on the stage. We are preparing a very large-scale action, I hope we will succeed and it will be interesting", she emphasised.



The World Youth Festival is taking place at the Sirius Federal Territory from March 1 to 7, 2024, as per the decree issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin aimed at fostering international youth cooperation.


The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) is the organizer of the World Youth Festival, with the Directorate of the World Youth Festival serving as the operator for WYF-2024.

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