35 African countries applied to participate in the World Youth Festival 2024

28 July 2023, 10:00

The application campaign for the World Youth Festival began on June 24. It will last until November 4 for Russians and December 1 for foreigners. Within the first month, more than 10,000 people expressed their desire to join the WYF 2024.

Young people from 35 African countries have already submitted their applications, with Kenya, Nigeria, Gambia, Ghana, Rwanda, Benin, and Tanzania showing the most interest.

“Russia and Africa have a long-standing history of strong friendly relations, including the ties within the sphere of youth policy - many students from the countries of the African continent study at Russian universities and build their future in our country. Within the first month of registration for the World Youth Festival, we received applications from 35 African countries. Such a high interest confirms that the youth of these states share the values of WYF-2024. The Festival will be an important step towards the development of international cooperation between Russian and African youth”, - pointed out Ksenia Razuvaeva, Head of Rosmolodezh (Russian Federal Agency for Youth Affairs).

The African youth has also received an invitation to participate in the World Youth Festival during the business program of the Second Summit Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum. As part of her presentation, Director General of the World Youth Festival Directorate Ekaterina Antonova introduced the idea and principles of the largest international youth event to the African guests.

Later on, on the sidelines of the forum, there was a panel discussion «Initiators of change: youth projects and long-term cooperation», devoted to the prospects of interaction between Russian and African youth. The participants discussed such issues as student exchange, human resource development of future African leaders, and opportunities for the development of youth policy on the intergovernmental level.

Ekaterina Antonova noted that building a relationship of equal partnership and establishing such platforms for direct engagement among youth is imperative for fostering meaningful interaction between Russia and Africa. The Director General of the WYF 2024 announced that Russian youth is willing to participate in relevant events in Africa. She also invited young people from African countries to join international events held in Russia, including the International Youth Forum «Eurasia Global», Second Kazan Global Youth Summit, International Youth Festival of Modern Muslim Culture, OIC Youth Scientific Congress, and International Prize #WEARETOEGTHER.

“Russia is open to the youth of the world and especially from African countries. It is crucial for us, on the one hand, to convey unbiased information about Russia to African youth, and on the other, to introduce our youth to the wealth and great diversity of cultures and traditions of the peoples of the African continent. In a little more than six months, the World Youth Festival will take place. It will be the largest international event, demonstrating the openness and hospitality of Russia to young people around the world. We invite African youth to become a part of the Festival and to build a just world together with young people from all over the world”, added Director General of the World Youth Festival Directorate Ekaterina Antonova.

For reference:

The World Youth Festival will be held in 2024 under the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin. It is aimed to develop international youth cooperation. At the first meeting of the Organizing Committee under the chairmanship of the First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergey Kiriyenko it was decided to hold the Festival on the Sirius Federal Territory from March 1st to 7th, 2024. The regional program of the World Youth Festival will last from March 10th to 17th, 2024, with participants visiting 26 cities in Russia.

20,000 young leaders in such fields as business, media, education, science, international cooperation, culture, volunteering and charity, sports, and others, including 10,000 international participants will take part in the World Youth Festival. For the first time in the history of the festival movement, teenagers from 14 to 17 years old will have the opportunity to join the event, including 500 from Russia and 500 from abroad.

Prepared by the World Youth Festival Press Office

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