Meaningful Program
The Third Mission of the University and Service Learning: The Role of Universities in Social Change (0+)
Эми Йео Чу
Эми Йео Чу

Профессор Университета TARUC, эксперт Рейтинга человеческого потенциала городов 2023, Малайзия

Metelev Artem
Metelev Artem

Chairman of the Committee for Youth Policy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

Falkov Valery
Falkov Valery

Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

Анисимов Никита
Анисимов Никита

Ректор Федерального государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»»

Тригос Лина Каррильо
Тригос Лина Каррильо

Профессор и научный сотрудник факультета психологии Университета Ла Сабаны, Колумбия

Бабасян Грант
Бабасян Грант

Глава Общенационального Союза индустрии гостеприимства и генеральный директор и сооснователь Impulse Management Company


Description of the event

Service-learning is a unique approach to education that allows students to immerse themselves in real life and make a truly useful contribution to society. In this process, they not only gain academic knowledge, but also develop their social interaction skills, enrich themselves with experiences and learn to understand the world around them.

During open discussion participants from different countries will discuss the way of countries and regions development is influenced by the introduction of service-learning approach in education, as well as global practices of youth involvement into development of society and a state.