Educational event
Marathon Znanie.Pervye
My Motherland. Volunteers of Donbass
Братислав  Живкович
Братислав Живкович

Доброволец из Сербии, гвардии капитан мотострелкового батальона НМ ДНР

Милан  Янкович
Милан Янкович

Музыкант, шеф-повар и гастро-блогер

Николай  Фаст
Николай Фаст

Волонтёр из Германии, лидер движения «Братская мотопомощь»


Description of the event

Special Military Operation volunteers from different countries. What unites them? Love for Russia and the values it defends. Regardless of their professions and skills, they have decided to risk their lives for peace in the country that has become their second home. Heroes who sacrificed everything for the sake of justice.

Did you manage to attend our Marathon Znanie.Pervye? Don't forget to take the poll and rate the event, your opinion is very important to us.