Educational event
Marathon Znanie.Pervye
The Fate of the World Is in the Hands of the Brave. Heroes of Our Time
Сергей Белозёров
Сергей Белозёров

Офицер Росгвардии

Ахра Авидзба
Ахра Авидзба

Командир батальона «Пятнашка»

Артём  Жога
Артём Жога

Председатель Народного Совета Донецкой Народной Республики

Илья  Донцов
Илья Донцов

Сопредседатель Адыгейской республиканской общественной организации «Ассоциация ветеранов СВО», ветеран СВО


Description of the event

The heroes of our time are not afraid to take responsibility for creating a better future. They are brave and courageous, always ready to stand up in defense of their family and country. The Festival participants will get acquainted with such valiant and courageous people.

Did you manage to attend our Marathon Znanie.Pervye? Don't forget to take the poll and rate the event, your opinion is very important to us.