Cultural program
Family Memory. Why Is It Important to Preserve Personal Heritage? (0+)
Shalay  Viktor
Shalay Viktor

Director of the State United Museum-Reserve of the History of the Far East named after V.K. Arsenyev

Kharlamova  Elena
Kharlamova Elena

Director of the Department of Museums and External Relations of the Ministry of Culture of Russia

Pronicheva Ekaterina
Pronicheva Ekaterina

Director General of the State Vladimir-Suzdal Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve


Description of the event

In every family there are things that are passed down from generation to generation. For example, photo albums, old grandmother's dinnerware, scouts badges and ties, books and old newspapers. They become real symbols of entire generations. What do members of different families consider important, what experiences do they save for posterity, and what do they forget? Why does memory make us human? What is history, what does it mean and what is there to collect? And what do museums have to do with it?

A lecture-chat with leading cultural figures Victor Shalay, Ekaterina Pronicheva and Elena Kharlamova about ancestral memories and why they are the most important spiritual components of every human life is waiting for you.