Meaningful Program
Pitching Factory Pitch Session (16+)
Pestov Nikita
Pestov Nikita

Founder and owner of MBS

Khafizov Timur
Khafizov Timur

 Investment Manager of the Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF) 

Taburinsky Andrey
Taburinsky Andrey

Ex-Vice President of MAIL.RU, founder of AROUND CAPITAL venture fund 

Vladimir Antonov
Vladimir Antonov

Senior Project Manager of the Skolkovo Cluster of Advanced Production Technologies, Nuclear and Space Technologies

Androsov Artem
Androsov Artem

Member of the State Duma working group on youth policy, CEO of the Dome Foundation Investment Club

Nikolenko Mikhail
Nikolenko Mikhail

Description of the event

The Pitching Factory program will be opened by the event aimed at attracting investment in young entrepreneurial projects - Pitching Session.

Pitching session - defense of business projects in front of investors. Projects shall undergo a selection procedure. Authors of the best projects will have the opportunity to present their ideas to investors. Based on the results of speeches, investors will give feedback and make decisions about investing in projects. Project defenses shall be performed in the presence of the festival audience.