Marathon Znanie.Pervye
Educational event
The First Take: Where the Road to the Cinema Begins
Алексей Чадов
Алексей Чадов

Актёр, режиссер, сценарист, продюсер

Дмитрий Харатьян
Дмитрий Харатьян

Народный артист Российской Федерации

Дмитрий Дюжев
Дмитрий Дюжев

Заслуженный артист Российский федерации, Заслуженный артист Карачаево-Черкессии


Description of the event

Kharatyan, Dyuzhev, Chadov are actors who have won the love of millions of Russians with their talent. Never before have the actors gathered on one stage, and at the Festival it will happen for the first time. They will talk about their movie debut, the role of chance in their creative careers, how not to give up if you fail even the third time, and what to do if popularity works against you. 

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