Meaningful Program
Green cities of the future: ecocentric or egocentric? (0+)
Boyko Dmitry
Boyko Dmitry

 PR-head of PPC REO

Прошева Анастасия
Прошева Анастасия

Менеджер направления «Экономика замкнутого цикла» СИБУР

Савельева Полина
Савельева Полина

Директор по развитию агенства YouSocial

Исмаилов Рашид
Исмаилов Рашид

Председатель российского экологического общества

Кумар Рохит
Кумар Рохит

Лауреат Премии 2022 в номинации «Экология и устойчивое развитие»,  Индия

Зоря Олег
Зоря Олег

Директор центра компетенций по вопросам городской среды Минстроя

Makarov Oleg
Makarov Oleg

Advisor to the Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs

Shkabardnya Olga
Shkabardnya Olga

CEO of Development Energy


Description of the event

The idea of cities with zero carbon footprints and minimal environmental impact is already partially realized in different countries. To achieve a zero carbon footprint, the settlement implements a wide range of measures such as green public transportation, energy efficient construction, and renewable energy sources including solar and wind power.

At the panel discussion, you will learn how achievable this task is when it comes to mass adoption and «reassembly» of existing technology and management models? How compatible are the environmental friendliness, comfort and technology to which modern man is so accustomed?