Meaningful Program
International Eco-Community - Creating the Future Together (0+)
 Kormishin Alexander
Kormishin Alexander


Head of the Center for International Partnerships, Corporate Academy of Rosatom

Metelev Artem
Metelev Artem

Chairman of the Committee for Youth Policy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

Zongxu  Xie
Zongxu Xie

Member of Impact Team 2050, Executive Director of the Laboratory of Digital Economy and Environmental Sciences, Institute of Digital Economy and Artificial Systems, China

Titov Vadim
Titov Vadim

President, Private Institution Rusatom – International Network (Rosatom State Corporation)

Plakida Alexander
Plakida Alexander

Chairman of the Governing Board of the UN Global Compact National Network

Makarov Oleg
Makarov Oleg

Advisor to the Head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs

Ryabykh Alexandra
Ryabykh Alexandra

Co-Chair of the All-Russian Public Ecological Eco-Movement


Description of the event

Green diplomacy is becoming one of the key tools for the development of international relations in a period of turbulence and new challenges. Preserving natural ecosystems, biodiversity, and addressing climate change are challenges that determine the long-term survival and future of humanity. 

In the format, experts will tell you exactly how the international community can come together to achieve specific tangible results? What is the role of youth, businesses, and states in this issue?