Meaningful Program
Cinema session
They Will Always Remain Children: In Memory of the Young Victims of War
Илья  Васильев
Илья Васильев

Политолог, глава Фонда Александра Печерского, кандидат политических наук. Куратор международных мемориальных проектов «Династия Медалье» и «Немецкая оккупация»

Гуннила  Брески
Гуннила Брески

Режиссёр документального кино о Второй мировой войне и фашизме


Description of the event

No Statute of Limitations is a large-scale educational project aimed at preserving the memory of the Great Patriotic War among contemporaries. After the film screening of the project series Sacrifice and Children, the producer of the project will tell the Festival participants why it is important to continue making films about terrible historical events.     
The event includes a screening of No Statute of Limitations. Sacrifice. Children.