Cultural program
Folk mystery «We believe in Russia!» (0+)

Description of the event

Folk mystery "We believe in Russia!" of the russian song theater will tell about the struggle and losses, love and victory. It will be attended by people's artists Nadezhda Babkina, Sergey Nikonenko, honored actor of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Manucharov, honored art man of the Russian Federation Vlad Malenko, as well as: 

• Moscow state ensemble "Russian song"
• theater and cinema actor, singer, composer Ivan Zamotaev
• theater and cinema actor, movie director Yuri Kataev
• Moscow state dance ensemble "Russian seasons"
• ballet "The living planet" 
• folk-rock band "After 11" 
• children theater and folklore studio "Heritage"

All-Russian project "We believe in Russia!" is being implemented by the Charitable foundation "Folk singing culture" with the support of the Presidential foundation for cultural initiatives and Transneft PJSC.