Cultural program
Премия «Россия — страна возможностей» с показом спектакля Московского театра мюзикла «Реверс» (14 +)

Description of the event

The National Award "Russia - Land of Opportunities" is aimed at identifying and supporting those residents of the Russian Federation who, through their actions, initiate positive changes.

These are stories about the fact that in Russia, everything can work out for everyone, and that everyone can make people's lives better. Come and support the participants of the award; perhaps you will be next.

Here awaits you the presentation of the award and a theatrical show at the intersection of "Reverse" genres - it's a story about a person's struggle with external circumstances and with himself.

About their lowest and most beautiful manifestations, which are revealed only in extreme situations, about the searching between these opposite qualities of his essence. About the desire to change and find oneself again. And, ultimately, about the main choice that confronts every person at least once in their life.