Meaningful Program
Young Arctic (0+)
Kharicheva Anna
Kharicheva Anna

Director, Scriptwriter, Creative Group, Rosatom

Petrov Mika
Petrov Mika

Blogger, Lighthouse Researcher, Participant, From Spring to Ocean. Lighthouses Volunteer Expedition, United Volunteer Center

Faterina Anastasia
Faterina Anastasia

Head of volunteer groups of the Federal Project Clean Arctic

Chibis Andrey
Chibis Andrey

Governor of the Murmansk region

Starikova Anastasia
Starikova Anastasia

Participant, Course to the North Program 

Panzhinskiy Alexander
Panzhinskiy Alexander

Olympic Medalist, Russian Skier, Participant, Trail at the Kola Wind Farm, Largest Wind Farm in the Arctic Circle

Chibis Evgenia
Chibis Evgenia

Head, Unified Volunteer Center, Murmansk Region

Vaseneva  Alina
Vaseneva Alina

Traveler, Co-Founder Surfing Federation of the Murmansk Region, Author of Projects on Popularization of Arctic Tourism, Healthy Lifestyle


Description of the event

On the site you will learn in a dynamic TED lecture format how to spend your time in the Murmansk Territory - the close and accessible Arctic - in a fascinating and useful way! You will learn how you can go on a volunteer expedition and live in a lighthouse, organize a dream journey through the most amazing locations of the Kola Peninsula and decide to change your life dramatically and move to the North. 

The session will be opened by Governor Andrei Chibis, who will talk about opportunities for young people in the Murmansk region.