Meaningful Program
Business without Borders. Laboratory of Meanings (18+)
Shumilov Ivan
Shumilov Ivan

General Director of ABIVIRU, LLC, Winner of the largest global IT competition, Guinness Book of Records «Digital Breakthrough», Member of the Young Entrepreneurs Club Rosmolodezh.Business

Petin Roman
Petin Roman

President of the Russian Youth Chamber (JCI Russia)

Tenyaev Semyon
Tenyaev Semyon

Founder of TenChat business social media, head of VBC Group of Companies.

Korolev Stanislav
Korolev Stanislav

Deputy Secretary General, Assembly of the Peoples of Eurasia, Director, SCO National Center for Public Diplomacy

Raginya Alexander
Raginya Alexander

Executive Director, Synergy Business School

Shoptenko Vyacheslav
Shoptenko Vyacheslav

Director, Institute of Organizational Development and Strategic Initiatives, RANEPA

Stroev Vladimir
Stroev Vladimir

President, State University of Management

Alipa Viktor
Alipa Viktor

Head, Youth Entrepreneurship Development Department, Rosmolodezh.Business


Description of the event

Good international ties are based on years of communication experience and historical contacts. However, in the modern world, it is important to expand ties, involving all countries of the world.

In this environment, business is becoming an important factor in building new relationships, seeking formats and encouraging innovation. Numerous business communities offer opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs to find business partners not only within the country but also abroad.

During the discussion you will learn about the prospects for the development of business associations and their integration into the international trade system.