Meaningful Program
Digital Region: How to Realize Yourself in Media (18+)
Achmiz Adam
Achmiz Adam

Blogger, columnist of cultural and public life, Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea

Kostyrkin Alexey
Kostyrkin Alexey


Istomin Kirill
Istomin Kirill

First Deputy Director General of ANO Dialog Regions

Tretyakov Andrey
Tretyakov Andrey



Description of the event

You don't have to go to the capital to succeed in the media. Residents of the regions are interested in content that takes into account the peculiarities of their small homeland: local news, books and films about their native land, unusual formats and exclusive reports.

Alexei Kostyrkin, a Rostov blogger who is one of the top 6 VKontakte authors, Adam Achmiz, a cultural and social observer and honored artist of Adygea, and Kirill Istomin, First Deputy Director General of Dialog Regions, will share their success stories.