Educational event
Marathon Znanie.Pervye
Games of the Future 2024. The Outcome. Everything Is Just Beginning
Игорь    Столяров
Игорь Столяров

Руководитель проекта «Игры Будущего»

Кристина  Колесникова
Кристина Колесникова

Директор по коммуникациям, молодёжным и социальным проектам Игр Будущего

Олег  Матыцин
Олег Матыцин

Министр спорта Российской Федерации

Самуэль  Дестини
Самуэль Дестини

Футболист FDC Vista, центральный полузащитник


Description of the event

The Games of the Future are a new milestone in the history of world sports. More than 2,000 people from 107 countries took part in the tournament, which was successfully held in Kazan. The author and ideologist of the project will tell how phygital sports will develop further in the country and how the most fair and innovative competition in the world was created.

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