Meaningful Program
«Hablemos con Rusia» Russia and Latin America: the role of youth in strengthening relations between Russia and Latin American countries in the new reality (0+)

Description of the event

The meeting with guest speakers and guests of the Festival on how young people can influence the strengthening of relations between Russia and Latin American countries in the current geopolitical situation. Within the framework of the discussion you will be able to discuss together with professional international experts the issues related to the relations between Russia and Latin America.
  The main topics of the meeting are: 
 • Experience of youth cooperation between the USSR and Latin American countries 
 • The current agenda of cooperation between Russia and Latin American countries 
 • Competition of ideologies and the struggle of ideas in the region 
 • Russia and its civilizational approach to the International Relations: What it can bring to the Latin American region 
 • A world without hierarchy: Are Latin America and Russia ready for it?