Meaningful Program
Educational tourism: unique opportunities for Russian and foreign students in Russia (12+)
Serikov Anton
Serikov Anton

Deputy Director General, Russian Society for Knowledge; Head, Mashuk Knowledge Center

Румянцев Максим
Румянцев Максим

Ректор Сибирского федерального университета

Беспалов Дмитрий
Беспалов Дмитрий

Ректор Северо-Кавказского федерального университета

Черникова Алевтина
Черникова Алевтина

Ректор НИТУ «МИСИС», д.э.н., профессор

Torkunov   Anatoly
Torkunov Anatoly

Rector, MGIMO

Sekirinsky Denis
Sekirinsky Denis

Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education

Шевченко Инна
Шевченко Инна

Ректор Южного федерального университета


Description of the event

During the session, the following topics will be discussed:
1. Possibilities of educational truism. Russian education as a sign of quality in the world
2. Unity of the educational space/educational ecosystem, continuity in the educational system. Diversity of educational forms. Diversity of types and forms of educational institutions and variability of educational programs, providing individualization of education, personally oriented education and upbringing.
3. Unique educational opportunities in Russia for Russian and foreign students: what the Russian educational ecosystem has to offer.
4. Big country - big opportunities: regions with the most modern educational conditions. Equal development of knowledge and opportunity centers in the regions.
5. Integration: new directions and programs of education in the regions with the support of the country's leading universities.
6. Success stories: relevant and effective educational projects, approaches beyond traditional education.