Meaningful Program
Deconstructing the meanings of «Young Industrialists: from niche selection to international markets» (18+)
Shmakov Artem
Shmakov Artem

Director General, Barnaul Autoformed Heat Resistant Products Plant LLC

Mashinistova  Natalia
Mashinistova Natalia

Founder of textile company N1 RED METER, owner of sewing manufacture, founder of clothing brand COCH

Vaino Alexander
Vaino Alexander

Director of the Center for Youth Initiatives, Autonomous Nonprofit Organization «Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects»

Kovalyov Anton
Kovalyov Anton

Chairman of the Board of the Interregional Union «Club of Young Industrialists»


Borisov Vilorik
Borisov Vilorik

Founder of North-Caucasian Steelwork Plant, LLC

Fakhretdinov Nail
Fakhretdinov Nail

Development Director of ZPI ALTERNATIVA LLC

 Usovich Eugeny
Usovich Eugeny

 Director General of Alumet LLC.


Description of the event

Today's young people are thinking more and more about their own business. If it is clear where to start in the service sector, the industrial direction is not so simple. For those who have decided to embark on the path of a young industrialist, it is important to realize that the largest and most successful businesses in their day started with a simple idea.

In the discussion format, experts will discuss where to look for investors, how to find their niche in industrial business and how to scale it.