Meaningful Program
300 Years of Russian Academy of Sciences: Traditions and Future (0+)
Kalmykov  Stepan
Kalmykov Stepan

Vice President, Russian Academy of Sciences

Fedorov Аleksey
Fedorov Аleksey

Head of the Group of the Russian Quantum Center "Quantum Information Technologies

Зеленый  Лев
Зеленый Лев

Научный руководитель Института космических исследований Российской академии наук

Горбунова         Юлия
Горбунова Юлия

Декан факультета фундаментальной физико-химической инженерии МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова

Котова Любовь
Котова Любовь


Старший научный сотрудник Физико-технического института им. А.Ф. Иоффе

Ле-Дейген Ирина
Ле-Дейген Ирина

Доцент кафедры химической энзимологии химического факультета, Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова


Description of the event


The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) is the largest and most authoritative scientific organization in Russia. Founded in 1724 by Emperor Peter the Great, the Academy has played an important role in the development of science and education in the country for more than two centuries. This year the Russian Academy of Sciences is 300 years old. This is an organization that has maintained continuity at all turning points in the history of our country.

In the panel discussion format, experts will tell you about Russian academic traditions that have been formed over three centuries. You will learn what role RAS plays today in the development of Russia's scientific potential and how scientific research schools are formed, helping to utilize the potential of talented scientific youth.